AUDITION NOTICE – “Time & The Conways”

‘TIME AND THE CONWAYS’  by J.B. Priestley
Directed by JENNY GREEN

Written by Priestley in 1937 the play illustrates J.W. Dunne’s Theory of Time through the experience of a moneyed Yorkshire family, the Conways, over a period of nineteen years from 1919 to 1937.  It is widely regarded as one of his greatest plays.  The first act is set in the Conway house in 1919 on the night of Kay’s birthday; act two moves to the same night in 1937 in the same room and act three returns to 1919, seconds after act one left off.  In the first act we meet the Conway family.  Act two plunges into their shattered lives and act three reveals how the seeds of the downfall of the Conways were being sown even then.


Mrs Conway – pivotal role, vivacious and charming  – mid-forties
Alan – small/medium  role, shy, quiet, the most likeable – mid-twenties
Madge – medium role, brisk, self-confident, educated – late twenties
Robin – medium role, ex-Royal Flying Corps, confident – twenties
Hazel – medium role, very pretty, likeable – twenties
Kay – medium role, serious, thoughtful – twenty one
Carol – small/medium role – the youngest, friendly, loveable – teenager

Joan Helford – medium role, friend of the family, young, giggly – twenties
Ernest Beevers – small/medium role – lower in social scale, self-made man, Northern accent – early thirties
Gerald Thornton – small/medium role – family solicitor, serious, stiff, no nonsense – thirties


All ages are given for the first act but they age by nearly twenty years in act 2, apart from Carol who does not appear in act 2.  Ages need to be believable but wigs and make-up can work wonders!  Acting ability and characterisation are more important.  No need for Northern accents apart from Ernest Beevers.

Jenny is looking for a lot of help with this production, especially as the set has to be changed from act one to two and then back again for act three!  A competent stage manager is probably the most important role in this production plus two props people to assist him/her.  She will also need a producer to keep her on the straight and narrow and the usual backstage crew.  If you feel you can help in any way, please come along to the auditions or let Jenny know on

Scripts are available from Jenny but if you wish to watch the play there is an excellent version on YouTube starring Claire Bloom and Geraldine James.   We look forward to seeing you.