LDMS Youth Theatre

Act * Perform * Inspire


All young people have a powerful voice and a right to be heard.

Our aims for Youth Theatre members are:

  • To enable the young people to understand and reach their full social, emotional and creative potential.
  • To help them develop and build transferable skills for the future.
  • To enable them learn how to perform, improvise, work as a team, listen, take leaps of imagination and have the courage to be themselves.

We offer structured sessions which:

  • Focus on teaching students ‘how’ to perform.
  • Encourage them to explore their own imagination, build on their own creativity, and teach the skills required to be a performer.
  • Explore acting techniques, vocal work and Musical Theatre.
  • Enable them to devise/write their own material, and present to each other.
  • Build up to public performances of plays which challenge and interest the students.


There will be opportunities to be involved in LDMS annual pantomimes, and any productions that require young people.

Bursaries are available for those on Pupil Premium from The Welfare Charity and Olivia Inspires.

The sessions run fortnightly during the school term. Wednesday 5.30 -7pm, for ages 8 – 16  and cost £5.


Our Youth Theatre Team

Our Youth Theatre is led by Michele Arkle who is a qualified drama teacher, trained actress and GODA trained drama adjudicator. Supported by Ingrid Bond, an experienced teacher and singing coach.

Some young soldiers in our panto 'Flute'

For more information email youth@lyndhurstdrama.co.uk